Imi cer scuze pt. timpul in care am disparut un picut, insa cu atatea probleme si atat de mult de munca, n-am prea mai avut timp pt. proiectele personale. Dar, sunt aici, sunt alive and kickin’. In curand pregatesc ceva articole serioase (hehe) si ceva mai constructiv, in special legat de consolele si implicit activitatile legate de acestea in Romania. Sper sa fie intr-un ceas bun si sa apuc sa dorm mai mult de 2 ore pe zi. Amen. Mai jos, o poza cu cateva din consolele mele. Scuzati dezordinea din camera. Peace! MonkY out!
Although everyone was afraid this year E3 will be no longer the superb show we’ve got used to, it fortunatelly wasn’t so. I mean, this year exceeded everyones expectations, and every developer/publisher showed it’s best. Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft bragged a lot about exclusive titles for their consoles, but we’ve seen it coming. Anyway, it was a superb show, and here are the GameTrailers Best of E3 2007. Read more for the rest of them. Enjoy!
[coolplayer autoplay=”0″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”0″ mediatype=””] Best Trailer E3 2007
[/coolplayer] Continue reading Best Of E3 2007 Awards→
Oh da. Am reusit si eu in sfarsit sa scap vre-o 4 zile de prin Bucuresti-ul nostru scump si drag (si cu poluare maxima). Si-am fugit prin tara, la munte (ca e mai ieftin si mai curat). Am vazut si ursul (care n-avea nici-o treaba de a se plimba printre masini si a speria pe cei ce urcau perpedes). Si-am mancat. Si-am baut. Si iar am mancat. Si dupa atata mancare, am admirat peisajul. Frumos, aer curat, soare criminal si ploaie cat cuprinde. Enjoy the album! Scuze ca nu am prea updatat (mai ales ca tot a fost E3 2007 cu o tona de goodies) dar se va remedia!
Yep. My little trip into romanian mountains is over. Enough relaxation! Now getting back to work. So, the website needs some updates… Hmm. Let’s start with some tribute/fun/fan movies for 300. Click Read More for some other remixes. This is Spartaaaaaaaaaaa!
[coolplayer autoplay=”0″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”0″ mediatype=””] This is Sparta!
[/coolplayer] Continue reading This Is Sparta ! Back Again !→
Today, Microsoft just announced oficially: Xbox 360 consoles warranty will be extended from 2 years to 3 years. I’m actually amazed by this announcement. I was hoping for an announcement that they found a way to fix their consoles. I was hoping to recall the series that seem to have manufacture issues. I was crying for some hardware sollution (better cooling, better manufacturing)… But no. They choose to extend the warranty. It’s like “From now on, our customers will be happy. They will be able to go to exchange their broken Xbox 360 consoles not only 20 times in 2 years. Now they can go to service 30 times in 3 years!”. WoW! And this is actually costing them 1bln USD. I wonder where those money come for (actually, from ppl like me who decide not to wait for repair and get e newer console). Read more for full details. Continue reading Extended Warranty Or Lingering Death ?→
Well, after the crazy release of iPhone in US, it seems like Nokia is going on the other “realm”, and starts releasing new phone models for our chinese friends. This time, The Prism (Nokia 7500) along with Nokia 8600, 8800 Sirocco, 6110 Navigator, 5700 XpressMusic, 6500 classic/slider and 3500. That’s a lot of phones. Here are more infos.
It seems like PlayStation 3 possesses formidable hardware: IBM’s fastest supercomputer to date, Blue Gene/P, is juiced up by the same kind of processing chip that was originally designed for the Sony PS3. Blue Gene/P is approximately 100,000 more powerful than a PC, just enough to make PlayStation 3 owners feel proud about their powerful machine. IBM’s latest supercomputer can run about 1,000 trillion calculations per second, also termed as “petaflops”. Read more for details. Continue reading Fastest Supercomputer Powered By Cell ?→
Bwahahahaha. For 49.95 USD you can get your own personal Missile Launcher from these guys. It’s powered by USB port, and has some interesting software, that your teammates will start to hate very soon (if it’s getting too accurate). Check out the movie, and let the war begin!
[coolplayer] USB Missile Launcher
I think i’m in love. Althouh sleepy and tired from so much work… i have something to cheer me up. It’s the girl from Heavenly Sword. Check out the gallery, with INGAME screenshots, and you’ll see why she is so lovely, kicking that fat “little” guy.
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune: It’s looking great. It’s looking superb. Hell yeah, it’s sublime! Sorry i can’t post the High Def version (you cand find it in here) to see how gorgeous this is. And again, it seems to be an exclusive title for PS3. Well, keep the good games coming. May the force be with PS3 guys! Lara Croft, eat some dirt!
[coolplayer] Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
Oh Yeah. I believe so. Heavenly Sword might be that title to save PS3 from dying wounds inflicted by more and more games released for Xbox 360. As this is an exclusive title, Xbox 360 fans would cry a little, and then wait for the Rings of Death, then go buy a PS3 (insert evil laughs). Anyway, here is some trailer from Heavenly Swords… i can hardly wait for September 2007.
[coolplayer] Heavenly Sword
The super dudes from came with some movie presentation for the japaneese game Folklore. I can only say that is looking awesome, and it’s one of the expected PS3 titles to break up the slow pace PS3 is showing us lately. Let’s hope the game will not be only about the visual, and the motion sensors from PS3 controller will not fail on us.
[coolplayer] Folklore Gameplay
Ooops. I forgot to update my Funny World gallery. No problemo, fixing now, full speed ahead. In this issue, the super grandma warrior, cows sitting where i want to spend my hollidays and, the big surprise, Loch Ness sighted (insert mega evil laughs). Enjoy!