Category Archives: Funny

Snake Returns !

As Metal Gear Solid 4 is coming back in force (thx Master Kojima) and i am continuing the console-comics contest started on Computer Games Forum (you can check and participate in here)… well, here is a new comic i’ve created. I just hope Halo 3 fans will enjoy this as much as i did (insert evil laughs). Kids these days…

MonkY - Snake Returns

What’s Hiding Inside Your Phone ?

… or better said “How to cook your mobile phone using microwave?”. I don’t know exactly what kind of microwave that is, but what’s got inside is really something. Enjoy the movie!

Sony Launches Nessie To Water…

… but wait. Is this real? Oh my. It’s a hologram. Seems like Sony finally mastered the 15 metters hologram and made a demo right in Tokyo by unleasing Nessie right on the water. Looks so real i can’t even imagine how the entertainment market will look in the near future. Or maybe who knows, they’ll use the technology for games…

Boeing 727 Limousine Selling On Ebay !

OMG. Din ciclul “Ce mai faci cand ai prea multi bani” sau “Pimp my plane”, tocmai ce mi-au sarit ochii din orbite vazand pe eBay cum se vinde un Boeing 727 Jet Limo, transformat intr-o limuzina. Se pare ca s-a facut asta pe un cadru de Mercedes. Pretul actual este de 274100 USD (nu prea mult daca ma intrebati pe mine, am vazut masini de 10 ori mai mici care costau de 10 ori mai mult). Intrebarea este, unde Dzeu o va parca?!? Il puteti viziona pe eBay aici, iar in caz ca se termina licitatia, voi salva pagina pt. eternitate. Astept urmatoarea emisiune “Pimp my rocket!”.

Continue reading Boeing 727 Limousine Selling On Ebay !

Cum Protejeaza GMail Spam-ul !

Hehe. Initial clipul mi-a dat un feeling de post-apocaliptic howto video. Fallout style. Dupa care mi-am dat seama ca nu e doar funny, ci denota stilul Gugal (gugal fiind in opinia mea cel mai bun prieten al omului). So, watch and… beware the spam!

[coolplayer autoplay=”0″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”0″ mediatype=””]

It’s A Funny World #8

As promised, the seccond funny part as a bonus (the guilt is still there, unfortunatelly).

It’s A Funny World #7

Because i was so busy lately, i wasn’t able to update the website. So, with this guilt feeling over me, i will try to wash my “sins” by posting two funny posts at a time. For now, number 7. Enjoy!

This Is Sparta ! Back Again !

Yep. My little trip into romanian mountains is over. Enough relaxation! Now getting back to work. So, the website needs some updates… Hmm. Let’s start with some tribute/fun/fan movies for 300. Click Read More for some other remixes. This is Spartaaaaaaaaaaa!
[coolplayer autoplay=”0″ loop=”0″ charset=”utf-8″ download=”0″ mediatype=””]
This is Sparta!
Continue reading This Is Sparta ! Back Again !

It’s A Funny World #6

Updating the funny – pozne gallery. This time, number 6 is the lucky one. Hope you enjoy them…. Have a really nice day!

It’s A Funny World #5

Ooops. I forgot to update my Funny World gallery. No problemo, fixing now, full speed ahead. In this issue, the super grandma warrior, cows sitting where i want to spend my hollidays and, the big surprise, Loch Ness sighted (insert mega evil laughs). Enjoy!

Got To Love Soccer !

Or football. Or football and beer. Or football, beer and girls. Maybe just football and girls… Well, for now, i’ll stick just to girls, and maybe a ball… or two (insert evil rolleyes). Well, i just created/cleaned/enhanced some nice wallpapers for your personal pleasure. Chicks and soccer field. Go girls, Go (widescreen or not)! Hit the read more button to get the girls in full res.
Football Girls Team2 Widescreen Small
Continue reading Got To Love Soccer !

It’s A Funny World #4

As promised, one more round from this Funny World. Hope you enjoy the pics, specially those crazy big head adds.

Bubble Home

Crazy or ingenious minds? Art or illusions? Engineering or missunderstanding? HiTech building or just going back to basics? Call it however you want, but i like it. It’s Pierre Cardin’s Bubble Home in Cannes. And it’s looking different. A cool different home. Good job to whoever built that!