Is it just me, or is it simply wrong? EntiteQ from just told me about this page, where you can notice AMD selling Intel’s Core2 Duo processor, and that “is the world’s first notebook series to utilize ATI’s Mobility Radeonâ„¢ X2300 GPU for stunning and crisp graphics”. Wow. I’m stunned. Is it the world going just crazy, or is it from so much spinning arround?
Haze Vs Crysis
Se pare ca a inceput cu adevarat razboiul next-gen. Ah, nu va speriati, e un razboi “virtual”, in bits and bytes. Si din fericire, este un razboi in engine-uri, in grafica, in design, gameplay. Lucruri care pt. un gamer nu poate insemna decat un mod de a se relaxa mai placut. De data aceasta, cei de la PSU au facut o comparatie screen by screen intre engine-ul lui Haze si al lui Crysis. Va las pe voi sa decideti care arata mai bine. Read more pt. mai multe screenshot-uri.
Microsoft Surface
You probably heard about it, you probably haven’t. Now you do. The new gadget coming from Microsoft, a new SciFi table with a lot of power underneath, called “Surface”. Watch the video, and pls, after you buy it, don’t put your drinks on it!
Microsoft Surface Teaser
Need For Speed Pro Street
Nu stiu daca ati prins acest post, insa EA s-a tinut de cuvant, si pe data de 31.05.07 au dezvaluit mai multe detalii despre noul Need For Speed. Well, acum nu se mai numeste NFS: Damage ci NFS: ProStreet. Hmm, numele nu-mi spune prea multe, insa trailerul arata foarte ok. Prezentarea a fost insa destul de generala, vorbindu-se despre masini full customizabile, twek and tune specific seriei precedente. Insa cel mai mult s-a vorbit despre damage system, practic in Pro Street orice zgarietura, indoitura devine o “rana de razboi”. Deasemenea s-a mai vorbit despre un mod revolutionar de gameplay online, insa nimic foarte concret. Well, ramane sa vedem in Noiembrie 2007, daca merita sau nu asteptarea.
Need For Speed Pro Street
Google Maps Found E.T. !
Well, one of the funny things about Google is the fact that Google is funny. Latest “gadget” released by Google, called Street View (which is integrated into Google Maps) shows us at this link that they found E.T. next to some kind of laser beam. It’s fun, but it’s Google. So we trust them (insert evil laugh).
Intel Metro Laptop
Yep. This time we have a new Intel super-ultra-thin concept laptop, called Metro. It was designed by Intel along with Ziba Design, and it’s a mere .7 inches thick and weighs just 2.25 pounds. In the video you can see e-ink lid display in action. Hooray for miniaturisation.
Intel Metro Laptop
Air Powered Car !
India. 2007. Forget about hibrid cars, about strange innovations, helium fuel, gpl or whatever else cheaper than petrol gas. And start thinking about the cheapest fuel, ever. And that’s… you guessed it: AIR. Well, in India, an auto builder called Tata Motors is ready to start production run on this air powered car (which will be called either City Cat or Air Car). This car is able to take you whatever you need as long as you don’t wanna go further than 200 Km and not faster than 110 Km/h. It can be refueled either by using a built-in compressor, either at some future to be build “air stations”. Well, It seems like it has zero problems with pollution and looks kinda pretty. Read more to see the full presentation movie.
Gran Turismo 5
Oh yes. Tocmai ce a inceput razboiul in jocurile auto related (Forza Motorsport 2, Colin McRae Dirt, Need For Speed Damage, Burnout 5, MotoGP 07) si deja avem picanterii legate de Gran Turismo 4 HD si Gran Turismo 5. Car Damage, Dynamic Weather, 750 masini cel putin, 4 vederi de driving (inclusiv din masina, cu designul real al masinii). Pe scurt, bestial. Read more for full list of Polyphony goodies:
Top 12 Luxury Yachts
Din ciclul “Sa ne mai clatim si noi ochii”, BornRich (niiice name) ne prezinta un top. Nu Top 10, nu Top 3, ci Top 12 (probabil ca atatea yacht-uri au gasit pe net si s-au plictisit). Aveti aici articolul complet. Salivati si mai aruncati o privire amara prin garsoniera…
Largest Game Collection Ever
O fi adevarat, nu o fi… dar pustiul asta fie s-a nascut norocos, fie a castigat la 6/49, fie tacsu (ala negru care respira greu) o fi vre-un magnat in ale petrolului. Read more pt. mai multe poze. Enjoy yourself.
Gears Of War Wins !
Dupa cum era de asteptat, pt. Gears of War (Unreal 3 engine pt. Xbox 360) au inceput sa curga premiile. De data aceasta Video Game Home Entertainment Awards: Gears of War as “Game of the Year” , “Shooter/Military Game of the Year”, “Best Game Graphics of the Year”. Bravos! L-am jucat, terminat, ramas impresionat. Practic este primul joc din a doua generatie pentru Xbox 360 care demonstreaza ce se poate face cu un engine bun. De data asta stacheta a fost ridicata sus, si bine. La categoria “handheld” Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy a fost “DS Game of the Year”, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories “PSP Game of the Year”. Pe Wii a castigat Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess, pe PS3 clar Ressistance: Fall of Man, iar pe PC… hmm, de ce nu ma mira… WoW: The Burning Crusade. Una peste alta, un an bunicel as zice… Mai jos, un mic trailer din Gears of War.
Gears of War
Andreea Balan in Playboy
Michael Moore New Movie’s: SiCKO
Oare ce putea sa scoata Michael Moore dupa un Fahrenheit 9/11? Hmm, un S.F.? Neah, le tranteste americanilor inca o “pastila” cu greutate… de data asta tu ca roman te simti bine, stiind ca este cineva care o poate duce mai rau ca in Romania. Incredibil, nu?
To Microsoft: Pls Fix Your Hardware !
Well, nu cred ca exista impatimit in ale consolelor care sa nu detina un Xbox 360 si sa stea cu frica in san, cu frica de Rings of Death, moartea consolei ce se pare ca este cauzata datorita racirii slabe si a materialelor folosite la prinderea GPU-ului pe placa de baza. Daca pana acum Microsoft s-a facut “recunoscut” prin celebrul BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death), acum se pare ca din ce in ce mai multi clienti se plang de calitatea proasta, racirea insuficienta a ultimei console scoasa pe piata. Personal sunt la a 3a consola Xbox 360. 2 au murit cu celebrul Rings of Death. Daca si asta se duce la fel, probabil ca nu voi mai cumpara un Xbox 360 decat dupa ce voi fi asigurat ca nu se va mai intampla (65nm anyone?). Intre timp, un articol/protest scris foarte eficient, il puteti citi aici.
Nu-mi Raspunzi La SMS…
Eu bag degetul asa deeeeees. Nu, nu e melodie cu prostii, si nici hitul verii. Este un nou concept de telefon. Sper sa ramana la stadiul de concept, sau sa se produca doar pt. cei cu Parkinson (insert evil laugh). Ah, si descrierea “autorului” este romantica cel putin: “Tarati enables the user to connect with others by passing fingers, in order, through key holes. This action of dialing alone is a more magical experience and, hence, more indicative of what’s really happening beyond the visible realm. … Tarati beckons the user to “touch” someone without physically touching a single key. Its design reflects human connectivity in a less material/mechanical, more sensual, way.”