Tag Archives: 360

PS3 Vs Wii

Oh yes, the fight still goes on. This time, with a nice and naughty videoclip, that explains it all. Honestly, it’s very well put. What do you prefer? The future, or something fun? I want them both. Plus a 360, and PS2 and Xbox just to be sure… and let’s not forget a few Snes, Gamecube and Sega consoles… Yep, console maniac forever! Now, just enjoy the movie 🙂

PS3 vs Wii

PS3 Song

Hahahaha. PS3 are acum propriul sau cantecel. “Sony you went wrong / With your PS3 / I’ll just keep playing / My 360…”. Si da, se pare ca este batut la vanzari de Wii, X360, jocurile apar firav sau deloc, exclusivitatile se duc de rapa, Kutaragi mai ca nu pleaca la Nintendo… Poate doar BluRay sa-l mai salveze, si cele cateva titluri mult asteptate… Amen. Read more pt. versiunea a doua a clipului.

PS3 Song
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