Well, after the crazy release of iPhone in US, it seems like Nokia is going on the other “realm”, and starts releasing new phone models for our chinese friends. This time, The Prism (Nokia 7500) along with Nokia 8600, 8800 Sirocco, 6110 Navigator, 5700 XpressMusic, 6500 classic/slider and 3500. That’s a lot of phones. Here are more infos.
Tag Archives: apple
Three New iPhone Ads
Yep, Apple likes teasing us, this time with 3 new iPhone Ads. All 3 ads confirm the release date of iPhone as beeing June 29th, 2007. You can see all 3 of them in here (click read more) or head onto Apple website to see them full HD. All in all, the iPhone is looking gorgeous. I can hardly wait to see it released…
iPhone Ads
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Noul Nokia 8600 “Luna†?
Hmm, dupa atatea cautari, finnally, am prins o poza cu noul Nokia phone, codename “Luna”. Arata bine, dar nu se stie mai nimic despre specificatii. Asteptam cu interes provincia. Deasemenea, tot din ciclul “Razboiul mobilelor”, daca tot suntem la o luna distanta de lansarea iPhone, pun o poza care face cat o mie de cuvinte: Apple iPhone vs LG Prada. Read more for a sneak peak: