OMG. If that’s true, i would just stay away from today’s batches of Xbox 360, until Microsoft will find some cure and use better cooling for Xbox 360 console. According to Smarthouse “Retailers are claiming that Microsoft has had to handle a failure rate of over 30% with their Xbox 360 console. More than 100 consumers have written to SmartHouse complaining of either poor service from Microsoft or total failure of their gaming console. One consumer was even given back a refurbished unit in exchange for their original Xbox console”. Well, i was there, beeing now on my third console (which is already patched by a very good friend with some epoxy glue… but don’t really know for how long). Microsoft tech guys, it’s time to DO SOMETHING! Click here to read the full story from Smarthouse.
Tag Archives: bsod
To Microsoft: Pls Fix Your Hardware !
Well, nu cred ca exista impatimit in ale consolelor care sa nu detina un Xbox 360 si sa stea cu frica in san, cu frica deĀ Rings of Death, moartea consolei ce se pare ca este cauzata datorita racirii slabe si a materialelor folosite la prinderea GPU-ului pe placa de baza. Daca pana acum Microsoft s-a facut “recunoscut” prin celebrul BSOD (Blue Screen Of Death), acum se pare ca din ce in ce mai multi clienti se plang de calitatea proasta, racirea insuficienta a ultimei console scoasa pe piata. Personal sunt la a 3a consola Xbox 360. 2 au murit cu celebrul Rings of Death. Daca si asta se duce la fel, probabil ca nu voi mai cumpara un Xbox 360 decat dupa ce voi fi asigurat ca nu se va mai intampla (65nm anyone?). Intre timp, un articol/protest scris foarte eficient, il puteti citi aici.