Tag Archives: Console

Snake Returns !

As Metal Gear Solid 4 is coming back in force (thx Master Kojima) and i am continuing the console-comics contest started on Computer Games Forum (you can check and participate in here)… well, here is a new comic i’ve created. I just hope Halo 3 fans will enjoy this as much as i did (insert evil laughs). Kids these days…

MonkY - Snake Returns

Romania Se Lupta Cu Morile De Vant!

“Romania se lupta cu morile de vant!”. Pare o expresie tipica pentru vremurile lui Don Quijote dar atat de des intalnita in ultima perioada incat a intrat deja in domeniul banalului. Chiar daca in locul morilor de vant punem giganti precum Microsoft, Sony si Nintendo, tot nu mai impresioneaza. S-au inradacinat atat de rau in roman lipsurile incat nimic nu-l mai poate soca, nimic nu-l mai poate impresiona. Mai ales cand vine vorba de niste gameri. Pentru presa din Romania in general, cuvantul game deja inseamna stire de nisa. Atat timp cat in continut nu se regaseste Basescu sau Tariceanu, stirea este deja de mana a doua. Sa nu mai vorbim de game (joc), care pentru romanul suparat in general nu-si mai are locul. Putini sunt cei carora un astfel de cuvant le provoaca un zambet ascuns, cei pentru care viata inca inseamna un joc. Sau cei care dupa o zi nenorocita de munca se retrag in linistea micii garsoniere unde apa calda este taiata si caldura vine de la un amarat de resou. Aceeasi care in liniste isi pornesc consola sau calculatorul si se retrag in mica lor lume virtuala. Sa nu-i uitam si pe cei care isi educa micul prichindel cum sa conduca de la 4 ani masina la Need For Speed, sau cei care la o petrecere uita de orice grija cu prietenii la un SingStar, Tekken sau Guitar Hero…


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Microsoft’s Present For Xmas

If you want to laugh, you can start right now! You all remmember the deadly famous RROD (Red Rings of Death) from Microsoft’s Xbox360 console, right? Well, this time, with the new Falcon boards, you get a nice present from them. Whenever the console will crash, instead of having 3 ugly Red Rings, you’ll have a nice Christmass bling-bling. Check out the video and keep on laughing! I don’t.

Xbox 360 vs PS3 vs Wii vs PC

This article could be easier named “The Console War”. But if it would be as i wish, it would be a war with no winner. Actually, the winner would be the player, the daily gamer that could get the best out of all worlds. And we have in here the PC world, getting more and more expensive each 3-4 months, when a new GPU or CPU is released. Then we have the Playstation world, which Sony feeds on like a frenzy beast. PSx, PS2, PSP, PS3 are all shortcuts to a world that every gamer should know about. Then we have the new player, Microsoft. If it is an old player on PC world, on the consoles they’ve started recently with their Xbox console. And now they claim “world domination” with their Xbox 360 console. And finnally, we have the “oldest” player in the house: Nintendo. Who in the world doesn’t know what a NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube or Wii is? Who will win? Which one is now the recommended choice for a player? Which one is worth investing in? Well, read on and we shall see.

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Heavenly Sword Review

Am asteptat cu nerabdare sa apara roscata magnifica si pe meleagurile noastre, sa vad intr-un final ce poate aceasta jucarie numita PS3. Well, finnaly a venit roscata, si-a inceput nebunia. Am jucat initial pana pe la 5:00 dimineata or so (de pe la 21:00) si cred ca am ajuns pe la capitolul 4. Jocul este demential. Are feeling, un story super, Nariko bate la ei de le sar capacele, dar, pt. mine mirarea a fost de cat de mult mi-a placut sa joc cu Kai, prietena “nebuna” a lui Nariko. E prima oara cand vad SixAxis-ul folosit atat de eficient. Mini game-urile prin care controlezi sagetile lui Kai sunt bestiale pur si simplu. La fel cele prin care Nariko controleaza o imensa “bazooka” sau catapultele. Pur si simplu tu devii glontul, sau sageata, si controlezi miscarea cu ajutorul SixAxis (misti de controller, aplecat in stanga/dreapta/sus/jos).

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Back again…

Imi cer scuze pt. timpul in care am disparut un picut, insa cu atatea probleme si atat de mult de munca, n-am prea mai avut timp pt. proiectele personale. Dar, sunt aici, sunt alive and kickin’. In curand pregatesc ceva articole serioase (hehe) si ceva mai constructiv, in special legat de consolele si implicit activitatile legate de acestea in Romania. Sper sa fie intr-un ceas bun si sa apuc sa dorm mai mult de 2 ore pe zi. Amen. Mai jos, o poza cu cateva din consolele mele. Scuzati dezordinea din camera. Peace! MonkY out!

Game Girl

Xbox 360 Failure Rate Is 30%

OMG. If that’s true, i would just stay away from today’s batches of Xbox 360, until Microsoft will find some cure and use better cooling for Xbox 360 console. According to SmarthouseRetailers are claiming that Microsoft has had to handle a failure rate of over 30% with their Xbox 360 console. More than 100 consumers have written to SmartHouse complaining of either poor service from Microsoft or total failure of their gaming console. One consumer was even given back a refurbished unit in exchange for their original Xbox console”. Well, i was there, beeing now on my third console (which is already patched by a very good friend with some epoxy glue… but don’t really know for how long). Microsoft tech guys, it’s time to DO SOMETHING! Click here to read the full story from Smarthouse.
Xbox 360 Ring of Death

Microsoft Patches Xbox360 !

Call me crazy, but is this the answer from Microsoft to overheating and 3 rings of death problem for Xbox360? I mean, come on. Are they so cheap that the only sollution they find is to add a heatpipe and some small heatsink into another area inside the console? Instead of changing position for the GPU, adding good thermal paste, replacing the cooling system with something better… they’ve decided to only lower the temp by a few degrees? I don’t know if i should laugh or i should cry… i mean, does it really matter if the temperature is lowered by 2-3 degrees when the temperature is high enough so that the GPU contacts simply unsolder from the mainboard?!? Well, anyway, here is a video with the new cooling.. hopefully it’s not the only thing they improved.
New Xbox360 Version

Black Vs White ?

Trying to add a new poll for the website, i just found some “old” wallpaper i’ve created, called Black Vs White. It’s actually a two “teams” war. PS2+PS3 vs Wii+X360. I love black, and those white consoles are ruining my hifi table… but, tha’ts life. You got to have some contrast to see what you really like. But i’m happy, as Xbox360 Elite will be soon released for Europe also… so my Black collection will be almost complete… Muuuust haaaaave blaaaaaaack Wiiiiiiiiii!?!@#?

Black vs White Small

Call Of Duty 4

Well, i just got hit by a new trailer for Call of Duty 4. What can i say? Although i am tired of so many shooters, wargames, i never cease to be amased by the speed of graphics engine evolution. It only gets better and better. Beside the realism, these guys should start thinking more about a player feelings, what he actually wants inside a game, beside killing everyone. While the days goes by and i feel older, i am starting to look more and more to innovations, cool ideeas, feelings that a good game story makes the player involve. But don’t forget, most of the players out there, love CounterStrike, so… no comment. Enjoy the trailer:

Call of Duty 4 Trailer

PS3 Upscaling

Dupa update-ul de firmware v1.80, toti am asteptat o revelatie la upscale-ul prin care iubitul nostru Cell ar putea face miracole. IGN a fost primul site pe care am putut gasi comparatii decente, si foarte bine comentate. Puteti vedea tot articolul aici, sau click Read More pt. galeria completa. Parerea mea personala este ca se putea mai mult. Adica, eu unul nu inteleg de ce Sony a optat pt. upscale bilinear, cand ar fi putut opta pentru anisotropic + antialiasing serios. Nu pot decat sa ma gandesc ca au avut in vedere chipul hardware din versiunele NTSC, emulatorul software din variantele PAL fiind probabil mult mai maleabil. Well, asteptam mai multe Sony. Stim ca se poate 🙂

PS3 Upscale
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PS3 Vs Wii

Oh yes, the fight still goes on. This time, with a nice and naughty videoclip, that explains it all. Honestly, it’s very well put. What do you prefer? The future, or something fun? I want them both. Plus a 360, and PS2 and Xbox just to be sure… and let’s not forget a few Snes, Gamecube and Sega consoles… Yep, console maniac forever! Now, just enjoy the movie 🙂

PS3 vs Wii

PS3 Song

Hahahaha. PS3 are acum propriul sau cantecel. “Sony you went wrong / With your PS3 / I’ll just keep playing / My 360…”. Si da, se pare ca este batut la vanzari de Wii, X360, jocurile apar firav sau deloc, exclusivitatile se duc de rapa, Kutaragi mai ca nu pleaca la Nintendo… Poate doar BluRay sa-l mai salveze, si cele cateva titluri mult asteptate… Amen. Read more pt. versiunea a doua a clipului.

PS3 Song
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Haze Vs Crysis

Se pare ca a inceput cu adevarat razboiul next-gen. Ah, nu va speriati, e un razboi “virtual”, in bits and bytes. Si din fericire, este un razboi in engine-uri, in grafica, in design, gameplay. Lucruri care pt. un gamer nu poate insemna decat un mod de a se relaxa mai placut. De data aceasta, cei de la PSU au facut o comparatie screen by screen intre engine-ul lui Haze si al lui Crysis. Va las pe voi sa decideti care arata mai bine. Read more pt. mai multe screenshot-uri.

Haze Vs Crysis
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Need For Speed Pro Street

Nu stiu daca ati prins acest post, insa EA s-a tinut de cuvant, si pe data de 31.05.07 au dezvaluit mai multe detalii despre noul Need For Speed. Well, acum nu se mai numeste NFS: Damage ci NFS: ProStreet. Hmm, numele nu-mi spune prea multe, insa trailerul arata foarte ok. Prezentarea a fost insa destul de generala, vorbindu-se despre masini full customizabile, twek and tune specific seriei precedente. Insa cel mai mult s-a vorbit despre damage system, practic in Pro Street orice zgarietura, indoitura devine o “rana de razboi”. Deasemenea s-a mai vorbit despre un mod revolutionar de gameplay online, insa nimic foarte concret. Well, ramane sa vedem in Noiembrie 2007, daca merita sau nu asteptarea.

Need For Speed Pro Street