Tag Archives: engine

Carmack’s Secret Engine

Well, id’s secret game engine just got revealed. In the video demonstration, you can see John Carmack showing off a very nice detailed world, and bragging aboutĀ over 20GB of textures for just one map. It looks good, but the really good news is that developers are allowed to modify one level/map instantly, without compromising the map or buggin’ it. Good job guys… i can hardly wait for the next game using that engine!
id’s new engine

Haze Vs Crysis

Se pare ca a inceput cu adevarat razboiul next-gen. Ah, nu va speriati, e un razboi “virtual”, in bits and bytes. Si din fericire, este un razboi in engine-uri, in grafica, in design, gameplay. Lucruri care pt. un gamer nu poate insemna decat un mod de a se relaxa mai placut. De data aceasta, cei de la PSU au facut o comparatie screen by screen intre engine-ul lui Haze si al lui Crysis. Va las pe voi sa decideti care arata mai bine. Read more pt. mai multe screenshot-uri.

Haze Vs Crysis
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