Tag Archives: funny

PS3 Vs Wii

Oh yes, the fight still goes on. This time, with a nice and naughty videoclip, that explains it all. Honestly, it’s very well put. What do you prefer? The future, or something fun? I want them both. Plus a 360, and PS2 and Xbox just to be sure… and let’s not forget a few Snes, Gamecube and Sega consoles… Yep, console maniac forever! Now, just enjoy the movie 🙂

PS3 vs Wii

AMD Selling Intel Notebooks

Is it just me, or is it simply wrong? EntiteQ from reBOOT.ro just told me about this page, where you can notice AMD selling Intel’s Core2 Duo processor, and that “is the world’s first notebook series to utilize ATI’s Mobility Radeonâ„¢ X2300 GPU for stunning and crisp graphics”. Wow. I’m stunned. Is it the world going just crazy, or is it from so much spinning arround?

AMD Selling Intel Notebook

Google Maps Found E.T. !

Well, one of the funny things about Google is the fact that Google is funny. Latest “gadget” released by Google, called Street View (which is integrated into Google Maps) shows us at this link that they found E.T. next to some kind of laser beam. It’s fun, but it’s Google. So we trust them (insert evil laugh).

Google Found E.T.

Top 12 Luxury Yachts

Din ciclul “Sa ne mai clatim si noi ochii”, BornRich (niiice name) ne prezinta un top. Nu Top 10, nu Top 3, ci Top 12 (probabil ca atatea yacht-uri au gasit pe net si s-au plictisit). Aveti aici articolul complet. Salivati si mai aruncati o privire amara prin garsoniera…

Luxury Yachts

Andreea Balan in Playboy

Sau cel putin acolo a vrut ea sa pozeze. Din pacate insa, a ajuns pe pornoromania dot com (nu-mi permit sa-i fac reclama site-ului – sau vedetei –  dar se poate vedea clar din poza pe unde a ajuns “reclama”).

Andreea Balan in Playboy

Michael Moore New Movie’s: SiCKO

Oare ce putea sa scoata Michael Moore dupa un Fahrenheit 9/11? Hmm, un S.F.? Neah, le tranteste americanilor inca o “pastila” cu greutate… de data asta tu ca roman te simti bine, stiind ca este cineva care o poate duce mai rau ca in Romania. Incredibil, nu?


Nu-mi Raspunzi La SMS…

Eu bag degetul asa deeeeees. Nu, nu e melodie cu prostii, si nici hitul verii. Este un nou concept de telefon. Sper sa ramana la stadiul de concept, sau sa se produca doar pt. cei cu Parkinson (insert evil laugh). Ah, si descrierea “autorului” este romantica cel putin: “Tarati enables the user to connect with others by passing fingers, in order, through key holes. This action of dialing alone is a more magical experience and, hence, more indicative of what’s really happening beyond the visible realm. … Tarati beckons the user to “touch” someone without physically touching a single key. Its design reflects human connectivity in a less material/mechanical, more sensual, way.”

Taranti Phone

La Surubu’ Fantastic…

Sau “When you got screwed by Sony last time?”. Nu e nevoie sa va mai uitati la poza. Va spun eu. E un surub marca Sony, la oferta speciala, la fantasticul pret de 61.31 EUR fara TVA. Si oferta verii, la 1Kg de suruburi marca Sony, primiti o plasma cadou 👿

Sony Screw

Screw This !

Sau ce mai face chinezul cand se plictiseste de clonat telefoane Nokia 🙂 Nu zic nu, exista multe astfel de 8in1, 16in1 and so on, dar asta arata demential. As spune ca poti speria copiii cu ea fara nici-o problema. Mai multe detalii pe pagina comerciantului cu ochii mici.

Screwdriver 8in1