Tag Archives: gallery

Let’s Live In Colour !

We live in times when the technology pushes further and further, sometimes forcing us to not even stop and enjoy what is beeing offered by that technology. Fortunatelly, some of us actually take time and discover the beauty behind the techonology beast. For example, take a look at what Art Lebedev Studio is offering, starting with Optimus Maximus Keyboard (an lcd keyboard), continuing with the Crazy Remote and Super Phone. They even covered small things, like digital ashtrays, digital clocks and unbelievable hifi items. Hit the picture to go to our gallery, or click here to visit Art Lebedev Studio’s homepage. Enjoy!

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Nokia N95 8GB Review

Se pare ca dupa articolul Nokia N95 8GB – The Master Of All Phones m-am decis sa-l achizitionez. Desi in Romania inca nu se gaseste oficial, cei de la Vodafone, Orange nestiind absolut nimic (dupa nenumarate telefoane la ei) iar Media Galaxy tot spunand ca vine saptamana viitoare (la fiecare 2 saptamani) la un pret incredibil (2800 RON)… well, pana la urma am reusit sa fac comanda de asa ceva din afara. Este pachetul cu Spiderman 3 inclus care are pe butoane si simbolurile arabesti (chiar imi plac telefoanele si cu aceste simboluri, sunt luminate mai bine noaptea). Intrucat nu am avut decat cateva zile la dispozitie, sper ca review-ul sa fie cat mai punctual. Oricum, astept intrebari pentru punctele pe care nu le gasiti in review. So, let’s proceed. Apasati Read More (sau poza de mai jos) pentru full review.
N95 8GB Spiderman
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It’s A Funny World #6

Updating the funny – pozne gallery. This time, number 6 is the lucky one. Hope you enjoy them…. Have a really nice day!

Heavenly Sword InGame

I think i’m in love. Althouh sleepy and tired from so much work… i have something to cheer me up. It’s the girl from Heavenly Sword. Check out the gallery, with INGAME screenshots, and you’ll see why she is so lovely, kicking that fat “little” guy.

It’s A Funny World #5

Ooops. I forgot to update my Funny World gallery. No problemo, fixing now, full speed ahead. In this issue, the super grandma warrior, cows sitting where i want to spend my hollidays and, the big surprise, Loch Ness sighted (insert mega evil laughs). Enjoy!

It’s A Funny World #4

As promised, one more round from this Funny World. Hope you enjoy the pics, specially those crazy big head adds.

It’s A Funny World #3

Yep, it is. Although i am really sad lately, with so many problems arround, i just can’t stand and accept too much sadness. So, knowing a picture is more than 1000 words, here it is, a new set of pictures (hmm, arround 9000 words).