Almost everyone these days is talking about High Definition, Full HD, BluRay and HD-DVD as present HiFi technology. But how about taking a look in the near future? Well, seems like Panasonic as part of APDC (Advanced PDP Development Center) is already developing next generation plasma. Instead of Full HD, the main words are now “Super HD”, which is “just” 4 times higher resolution than Full HD (4000 x 2000 vs 1920 x 1080). I think we are finnally going to put the television next to photography. You can now think Super HD as beeing 8 Megapixels while Full HD beeing only 2 Megapixels. But, what’s more to like, is the fact that the next gen will feature a 42″ Super HD resolution with only 70W needed! I mean… WOW! My 50″ Full HD plasma needs now arround 600W. So going 4 times higher resolution and 8 times lower power consumption… that’s what i call “The Future Sounds/Looks Good!”. For more details checkĀ in here.

Well, cei care ma cunosc, stiu ca sunt pasionat dupa nebunii HiFi, in special ultimele aparitii pe scena asta tumultoasa si din ce in ce mai evoluat. Cei care nu ma cunosc, probabil ca au ajuns pe aceasta pagina cautand pe web un review la un produsĀ pentru care in Romania nu se agita nimeni sa-i faca o prezentare mai serioasa. Nici macar la recentul HiFi Arena un astfel de model nu a putut fi gasit, cei de la Panasonic neprezentand alt model decat din seria PY700. Dupa cum se stie neoficial insa, seria PY700 are inca un strat protector antireflexiv, fapt ce ii da un aspect mai mat si totodata ii scade din contrast de la 10.000:1 la 5.000:1. Acesta fiind unul din principalele motive pentru care am optat pentru PY70, care in mod normal ar trebui sa fie versiunea mai “slaba”. Well, sa vedem in continuare daca este asa sau nu. Apasa read more pentru review-ul complet.
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